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Mystery Case Files : 13th Skull Forum

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last rites

By amygo
can someone tell me how to put the ship name in the door? The hint tells me 2 switch the 6&7 letters and the 2&3 but l have tried everything with no luck!!

By anne
Exactly where in the game are you?
By stumped at skulls
the letters need to go in this order. h,l,a,i,e,l,d
By pyzzaman
did any body through rocks at the ships
By yume
The hint is wrong... the letter placement your have to change is 2&3 and 5&6
By pedro
cabin door help ship name is deliah
By pedro
throw rocks at the rope
By lisacarol79
i dont seem to understand about the name on the door to get open.ive switch the 2and 3rd,and 6and 7,letters like it said.i cant get it?what am i doing wrong?and the name i have is antonia?can someone please help me.
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.