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hey i need help with cake street on...

hey i need help with cake street one. can anyone tell me how to get gold in that level

By petre
Oddly, there are actually 3 Cake St. ones--go figure. One is to the left of the first building, one is to the right of the first building and another is up on the cross street. Most questions have been about the one to the right of the building and the one on the cross street so here's some tips for both. Hopefully one of them will help.

For Cake St 1 to the right (2 cakes with a time of 3:00) I've gotten under 2:30 by buying 4 chickens right away, selling bears and biscuits to get 2 more chickens and the confectionery.

For Cake St 1 that requires a cut meat and a milk: Wait for two bears to drop (brown bears). Trap one to sell for enough to buy the cow. As the truck is off to market, put the other bear in storage.

Sell the second bear right after buying the cow to get money to buy a chicken. You can also send the plane for the sugar/flour/whatever the heck it is.

Before that truck returns, though, the cow will drop a milk and both cow and milk should go to market, leaving only your chicken to take its dear sweet time to lay an egg. . .

When the truck returns, buy a pig.

When the chicken lays the egg, start processing it and click the heck out of the processor to speed it up. Since you're only processing one egg and one ham at each of the buildings, you're not likely to blow any of them up on this level.

When the egg powder comes out, destroy the building to build the meat slicer.

Just click away at the buildings to get stuff through and you should finish with a record time!!
By princess
Thanks A Lot Petre
you are a lot of help
i have been trying to solve this level within Par time for so so many times.
By nakatsu
The best tips ever! Especially we must click the processor many time to fast up process.. I got 2.03 best time tqvm
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