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How do we get arcross the thials mo...

How do we get arcross the thials mountains (north) and learn ice skating,the thials mountains was a dead end whereever i walk, Anybody can help me ??By the way where is the sunscreen????

By jennilee
Learn to ice skate in Gheldon cave via sign on shop with a tree.
Sun lotion in cave to the right within the mines in Gheldon by a large bird cage.
By jennilee
Sorry. You learn to climb in the dwarf mines in Gheldon.
You learn to ice skate in Stormbend. Before you do, go back to Thais and go to needle and thread shop. Outside talk to a person who tells you the merchant with a pass has left. Go to brightwood forest and head towards Merchant road - red rock pass. Go through pass and it you will end up in stormbend.
By derricky
what do you mean by via sign on shop with a tree but anyway thanks :D
By derricky
Wow you are so smart :D thanks a million
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